HPCloud-PHP  1.2.0
PHP bindings for HPCloud and OpenStack services.
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
  ||o*Flavor.phpThis file contains the Database Flavor class
  ||o*FlavorDetails.phpThis file contains the Database FlavorDetails class
  ||o*Instance.phpThis file contains the DBaaS Instance class
  ||o*InstanceDetails.phpThis file contains the HPCloud::DBaaS::InstanceDetails class
  ||o*Operations.phpAbstract operations class
  ||o*Snapshot.phpThis file contains the DBaaS Snapshot class
  ||\*SnapshotDetails.phpThis file contains the HPCloud::DBaaS::SnapshotDetails class
  |o*DBaaS.phpThis file contains the main Database as a Service class
  |\*IdentityServices.phpThis file contains the main IdentityServices class
  ||o*ACL.phpContains the class for manipulating ObjectStorage ACL strings
  ||o*Container.phpContains the class for ObjectStorage Container objects
  ||o*ContainerNotEmptyException.phpContains exception class for ContainerNotEmptyException
  ||o*ContentVerificationException.phpContains the ContentVerificationException object
  ||o*Object.phpContains the class Object for ObjectStorage
  ||o*RemoteObject.phpContains the RemoteObject class
  ||o*StreamWrapper.phpContains the stream wrapper for swift:// URLs
  ||o*StreamWrapperFS.phpContains the stream wrapper for swiftfs:// URLs
  ||\*Subdir.phpContains the Subdir class
  |o*CDN.phpThis file contains the CDN (Content Distribution Network) class
  |\*ObjectStorage.phpThis file provides the ObjectStorage class, which is the primary representation of the ObjectStorage system
  |o*AuthorizationException.phpThe authorization exception
  |o*CURLTransport.phpImplements a transporter with CURL
  |o*ForbiddenException.phpThe permission denied exception
  |o*LockedException.phpDescribes a 423 Locked HTTP error
  |o*PHPStreamTransport.phpImplements a transporter with the PHP HTTP Stream Wrapper
  |o*Response.phpA response from a transport
  |o*Transporter.phpThis file contains the interface for transporters
  |o*UnauthorizedException.phpThe authorization exception
  o*Bootstrap.phpHP Cloud configuration
  o*Exception.phpThe parent exception class for HPCloud
  \*Transport.phpThe Transport class