HPCloud-PHP  1.2.0
PHP bindings for HPCloud and OpenStack services.
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1 <?php
2 /* ============================================================================
3 (c) Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
4 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
5 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
6 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
7 use, copy, modify, merge,publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
8 the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
9 subject to the following conditions:
11 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
12 copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21 ============================================================================ */
22 /**
23  * @file
24  *
25  * Contains the class for ObjectStorage Container objects.
26  */
30 /**
31  * A container in an ObjectStorage.
32  *
33  * An Object Storage instance is divided into containers, where each
34  * container can hold an arbitrary number of objects. This class
35  * describes a container, providing access to its properties and to the
36  * objects stored inside of it.
37  *
38  * Containers are iterable, which means you can iterate over a container
39  * and access each file inside of it.
40  *
41  * Typically, containers are created using ObjectStorage::createContainer().
42  * They are retrieved using ObjectStorage::container() or
43  * ObjectStorage::containers().
44  *
45  * @code
46  * <?php
47  * use \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage;
48  * use \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage\Container;
49  * use \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage\Object;
50  *
51  * // Create a new ObjectStorage instance, logging in with older Swift
52  * // credentials.
53  * $store = ObjectStorage::newFromSwiftAuth('user', 'key', 'http://example.com');
54  *
55  * // Get the container called 'foo'.
56  * $container = $store->container('foo');
57  *
58  * // Create an object.
59  * $obj = new Object('bar.txt');
60  * $obj->setContent('Example content.', 'text/plain');
61  *
62  * // Save the new object in the container.
63  * $container->save($obj);
64  *
65  * ?>
66  * @endcode
67  *
68  * Once you have a Container, you manipulate objects inside of the
69  * container.
70  *
71  * @todo Add support for container metadata.
72  * @todo Add CDN support fo container listings.
73  */
74 class Container implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate {
75  /**
76  * The prefix for any piece of metadata passed in HTTP headers.
77  */
78  const METADATA_HEADER_PREFIX = 'X-Object-Meta-';
79  const CONTAINER_METADATA_HEADER_PREFIX = 'X-Container-Meta-';
82  //protected $properties = array();
83  protected $name = NULL;
85  // These were both changed from 0 to NULL to allow
86  // lazy loading.
87  protected $count = NULL;
88  protected $bytes = NULL;
90  protected $token;
91  protected $url;
92  protected $baseUrl;
93  protected $acl;
94  protected $metadata;
96  // This is only set if CDN service is activated.
97  protected $cdnUrl;
98  protected $cdnSslUrl;
100  /**
101  * Transform a metadata array into headers.
102  *
103  * This is used when storing an object in a container.
104  *
105  * @param array $metadata
106  * An associative array of metadata. Metadata is not escaped in any
107  * way (there is no codified spec by which to escape), so make sure
108  * that keys are alphanumeric (dashes allowed) and values are
109  * ASCII-armored with no newlines.
110  * @param string $prefix
111  * A prefix for the metadata headers.
112  * @retval array
113  * @return array
114  * An array of headers.
115  * @see http://docs.openstack.org/bexar/openstack-object-storage/developer/content/ch03s03.html#d5e635
116  * @see http://docs.openstack.org/bexar/openstack-object-storage/developer/content/ch03s03.html#d5e700
117  */
118  public static function generateMetadataHeaders(array $metadata, $prefix = NULL) {
119  if (empty($prefix)) {
121  }
122  $headers = array();
123  foreach ($metadata as $key => $val) {
124  $headers[$prefix . $key] = $val;
125  }
126  return $headers;
127  }
128  /**
129  * Create an object URL.
130  *
131  * Given a base URL and an object name, create an object URL.
132  *
133  * This is useful because object names can contain certain characters
134  * (namely slashes (`/`)) that are normally URLencoded when they appear
135  * inside of path sequences.
136  *
137  * @note
138  * Swift does not distinguish between @c %2F and a slash character, so
139  * this is not strictly necessary.
140  *
141  * @param string $base
142  * The base URL. This is not altered; it is just prepended to
143  * the returned string.
144  * @param string $oname
145  * The name of the object.
146  * @retval string
147  * @return string
148  * The URL to the object. Characters that need escaping will be escaped,
149  * while slash characters are not. Thus, the URL will look pathy.
150  */
151  public static function objectUrl($base, $oname) {
152  if (strpos($oname, '/') === FALSE) {
153  return $base . '/' . rawurlencode($oname);
154  }
156  $oParts = explode('/', $oname);
157  $buffer = array();
158  foreach ($oParts as $part) {
159  $buffer[] = rawurlencode($part);
160  }
161  $newname = implode('/', $buffer);
162  return $base . '/' . $newname;
163  }
166  /**
167  * Extract object attributes from HTTP headers.
168  *
169  * When OpenStack sends object attributes, it sometimes embeds them in
170  * HTTP headers with a prefix. This function parses the headers and
171  * returns the attributes as name/value pairs.
172  *
173  * Note that no decoding (other than the minimum amount necessary) is
174  * done to the attribute names or values. The Open Stack Swift
175  * documentation does not prescribe encoding standards for name or
176  * value data, so it is left up to implementors to choose their own
177  * strategy.
178  *
179  * @param array $headers
180  * An associative array of HTTP headers.
181  * @param string $prefix
182  * The prefix on metadata headers.
183  * @retval array
184  * @return array
185  * An associative array of name/value attribute pairs.
186  */
187  public static function extractHeaderAttributes($headers, $prefix = NULL) {
188  if (empty($prefix)) {
190  }
191  $attributes = array();
192  $offset = strlen($prefix);
193  foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
195  $index = strpos($header, $prefix);
196  if ($index === 0) {
197  $key = substr($header, $offset);
198  $attributes[$key] = $value;
199  }
200  }
201  return $attributes;
202  }
204  /**
205  * Create a new Container from JSON data.
206  *
207  * This is used in lieue of a standard constructor when
208  * fetching containers from ObjectStorage.
209  *
210  * @param array $jsonArray
211  * An associative array as returned by json_decode($foo, TRUE);
212  * @param string $token
213  * The auth token.
214  * @param string $url
215  * The base URL. The container name is automatically appended to
216  * this at construction time.
217  *
218  * @retval HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::Comtainer
219  * @return \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage\Container
220  * A new container object.
221  */
222  public static function newFromJSON($jsonArray, $token, $url) {
223  $container = new Container($jsonArray['name']);
225  $container->baseUrl = $url;
227  $container->url = $url . '/' . rawurlencode($jsonArray['name']);
228  $container->token = $token;
230  // Access to count and bytes is basically controlled. This is is to
231  // prevent a local copy of the object from getting out of sync with
232  // the remote copy.
233  if (!empty($jsonArray['count'])) {
234  $container->count = $jsonArray['count'];
235  }
237  if (!empty($jsonArray['bytes'])) {
238  $container->bytes = $jsonArray['bytes'];
239  }
241  //syslog(LOG_WARNING, print_r($jsonArray, TRUE));
243  return $container;
244  }
246  /**
247  * Given an OpenStack HTTP response, build a Container.
248  *
249  * This factory is intended for use by low-level libraries. In most
250  * cases, the standard constructor is preferred for client-size
251  * Container initialization.
252  *
253  * @param string $name
254  * The name of the container.
255  * @param object $response HPCloud::Transport::Response
256  * The HTTP response object from the Transporter layer
257  * @param string $token
258  * The auth token.
259  * @param string $url
260  * The base URL. The container name is automatically appended to
261  * this at construction time.
262  * @retval HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::Container
263  * @return \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage\Container
264  * The Container object, initialized and ready for use.
265  */
266  public static function newFromResponse($name, $response, $token, $url) {
267  $container = new Container($name);
268  $container->bytes = $response->header('X-Container-Bytes-Used', 0);
269  $container->count = $response->header('X-Container-Object-Count', 0);
270  $container->baseUrl = $url;
271  $container->url = $url . '/' . rawurlencode($name);
272  $container->token = $token;
274  $container->acl = ACL::newFromHeaders($response->headers());
277  $metadata = Container::extractHeaderAttributes($response->headers(), $prefix);
278  $container->setMetadata($metadata);
280  return $container;
281  }
283  /**
284  * Construct a new Container.
285  *
286  * @attention
287  * Typically a container should be created by ObjectStorage::createContainer().
288  * Get existing containers with ObjectStorage::container() or
289  * ObjectStorage::containers(). Using the constructor directly has some
290  * side effects of which you should be aware.
291  *
292  * Simply creating a container does not save the container remotely.
293  *
294  * Also, this does no checking of the underlying container. That is, simply
295  * constructing a Container in no way guarantees that such a container exists
296  * on the origin object store.
297  *
298  * The constructor involves a selective lazy loading. If a new container is created,
299  * and one of its accessors is called before the accessed values are initialized, then
300  * this will make a network round-trip to get the container from the remote server.
301  *
302  * Containers loaded from ObjectStorage::container() or Container::newFromRemote()
303  * will have all of the necessary values set, and thus will not require an extra network
304  * transaction to fetch properties.
305  *
306  * The practical result of this:
307  *
308  * - If you are creating a new container, it is best to do so with
309  * ObjectStorage::createContainer().
310  * - If you are manipulating an existing container, it is best to load the
311  * container with ObjectStorage::container().
312  * - If you are simply using the container to fetch resources from the
313  * container, you may wish to use `new Container($name, $url, $token)`
314  * and then load objects from that container. Note, however, that
315  * manipulating the container directly will likely involve an extra HTTP
316  * transaction to load the container data.
317  * - When in doubt, use the ObjectStorage methods. That is always the safer
318  * option.
319  *
320  * @param string $name
321  * The name.
322  * @param string $url
323  * The full URL to the container.
324  * @param string $token
325  * The auth token.
326  *
327  */
328  public function __construct($name , $url = NULL, $token = NULL) {
329  $this->name = $name;
330  $this->url = $url;
331  $this->token = $token;
332  }
334  /**
335  * Set the URL of the CDN to use.
336  *
337  * If this is set, the Container will attempt to fetch objects
338  * from the CDN instead of the Swift storage whenever possible.
339  *
340  * If ObjectStorage::useCDN() is already called, this is not necessary.
341  *
342  * Setting this to NULL will have the effect of turning off CDN for this
343  * container.
344  *
345  * @param string $url
346  * The URL to the CDN for this container.
347  * @param string $sslUrl
348  * The SSL URL to the CDN for this container.
349  */
350  public function useCDN($url, $sslUrl) {
351  $this->cdnUrl = $url;
352  $this->cdnSslUrl = $sslUrl;
353  }
355  /**
356  * Get the name of this container.
357  *
358  * @retval string
359  * @return string
360  * The name of the container.
361  */
362  public function name() {
363  return $this->name;
364  }
366  /**
367  * Get the number of bytes in this container.
368  *
369  * @retval int
370  * @return int
371  * The number of bytes in this container.
372  */
373  public function bytes() {
374  if (is_null($this->bytes)) {
375  $this->loadExtraData();
376  }
377  return $this->bytes;
378  }
380  /**
381  * Get the container metadata.
382  *
383  * Metadata (also called tags) are name/value pairs that can be
384  * attached to a container.
385  *
386  * Names can be no longer than 128 characters, and values can be no
387  * more than 256. UTF-8 or ASCII characters are allowed, though ASCII
388  * seems to be preferred.
389  *
390  * If the container was loaded from a container listing, the metadata
391  * will be fetched in a new HTTP request. This is because container
392  * listings do not supply the metadata, while loading a container
393  * directly does.
394  *
395  * @retval array
396  * @return array
397  * An array of metadata name/value pairs.
398  */
399  public function metadata() {
401  // If created from JSON, metadata does not get fetched.
402  if (!isset($this->metadata)) {
403  $this->loadExtraData();
404  }
405  return $this->metadata;
406  }
409  /**
410  * Set the tags on the container.
411  *
412  * Container metadata (sometimes called "tags") provides a way of
413  * storing arbitrary name/value pairs on a container.
414  *
415  * Since saving a container is a function of the ObjectStorage
416  * itself, if you change the metadta, you will need to call
417  * ObjectStorage::updateContainer() to save the new container metadata
418  * on the remote object storage.
419  *
420  * (Similarly, when it comes to objects, an object's metdata is saved
421  * by the container.)
422  *
423  * Names can be no longer than 128 characters, and values can be no
424  * more than 256. UTF-8 or ASCII characters are allowed, though ASCII
425  * seems to be preferred.
426  *
427  * @retval HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::Container
428  * @return \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage\Container
429  * $this so the method can be used in chaining.
430  */
431  public function setMetadata($metadata) {
432  $this->metadata = $metadata;
434  return $this;
435  }
437  /**
438  * Get the number of items in this container.
439  *
440  * Since Container implements Countable, the PHP builtin
441  * count() can be used on a Container instance:
442  *
443  * @code
444  * <?php
445  * count($container) === $container->count();
446  * ?>
447  * @endcode
448  *
449  * @retval int
450  * @return int
451  * The number of items in this container.
452  */
453  public function count() {
454  if (is_null($this->count)) {
455  $this->loadExtraData();
456  }
457  return $this->count;
458  }
460  /**
461  * Save an Object into Object Storage.
462  *
463  * This takes an HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::Object
464  * and stores it in the given container in the present
465  * container on the remote object store.
466  *
467  * @param object $obj HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::Object
468  * The object to store.
469  * @param resource $file
470  * An optional file argument that, if set, will be treated as the
471  * contents of the object.
472  * @retval boolean
473  * @return boolean
474  * TRUE if the object was saved.
475  * @throws HPCloud::Transport::LengthRequiredException
476  * if the Content-Length could not be determined and chunked
477  * encoding was not enabled. This should not occur for this class,
478  * which always automatically generates Content-Length headers.
479  * However, subclasses could generate this error.
480  * @throws HPCloud::Transport::UnprocessableEntityException
481  * if the checksome passed here does not match the checksum
482  * calculated remotely.
483  * @throws HPCloud::Exception when an unexpected (usually
484  * network-related) error condition arises.
485  */
486  public function save(Object $obj, $file = NULL) {
488  if (empty($this->token)) {
489  throw new \HPCloud\Exception('Container does not have an auth token.');
490  }
491  if (empty($this->url)) {
492  throw new \HPCloud\Exception('Container does not have a URL to send data.');
493  }
495  //$url = $this->url . '/' . rawurlencode($obj->name());
496  $url = self::objectUrl($this->url, $obj->name());
498  // See if we have any metadata.
499  $headers = array();
500  $md = $obj->metadata();
501  if (!empty($md)) {
502  $headers = self::generateMetadataHeaders($md, Container::METADATA_HEADER_PREFIX);
503  }
506  // Set the content type.
507  $headers['Content-Type'] = $obj->contentType();
510  // Add content encoding, if necessary.
511  $encoding = $obj->encoding();
512  if (!empty($encoding)) {
513  $headers['Content-Encoding'] = rawurlencode($encoding);
514  }
516  // Add content disposition, if necessary.
517  $disposition = $obj->disposition();
518  if (!empty($disposition)) {
519  $headers['Content-Disposition'] = $disposition;
520  }
522  // Auth token.
523  $headers['X-Auth-Token'] = $this->token;
525  // Add any custom headers:
526  $moreHeaders = $obj->additionalHeaders();
527  if (!empty($moreHeaders)) {
528  $headers += $moreHeaders;
529  }
531  $client = \HPCloud\Transport::instance();
533  if (empty($file)) {
534  // Now build up the rest of the headers:
535  $headers['Etag'] = $obj->eTag();
537  // If chunked, we set transfer encoding; else
538  // we set the content length.
539  if ($obj->isChunked()) {
540  // How do we handle this? Does the underlying
541  // stream wrapper pay any attention to this?
542  $headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked';
543  }
544  else {
545  $headers['Content-Length'] = $obj->contentLength();
546  }
547  $response = $client->doRequest($url, 'PUT', $headers, $obj->content());
548  }
549  else {
550  // Rewind the file.
551  rewind($file);
554  // XXX: What do we do about Content-Length header?
555  //$headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked';
556  $stat = fstat($file);
557  $headers['Content-Length'] = $stat['size'];
559  // Generate an eTag:
560  $hash = hash_init('md5');
561  hash_update_stream($hash, $file);
562  $etag = hash_final($hash);
563  $headers['Etag'] = $etag;
565  // Not sure if this is necessary:
566  rewind($file);
568  $response = $client->doRequestWithResource($url, 'PUT', $headers, $file);
570  }
572  if ($response->status() != 201) {
573  throw new \HPCloud\Exception('An unknown error occurred while saving: ' . $response->status());
574  }
575  return TRUE;
576  }
578  /**
579  * Update an object's metadata.
580  *
581  * This updates the metadata on an object without modifying anything
582  * else. This is a convenient way to set additional metadata without
583  * having to re-upload a potentially large object.
584  *
585  * Swift's behavior during this operation is sometimes unpredictable,
586  * particularly in cases where custom headers have been set.
587  * Use with caution.
588  *
589  * @param object $obj HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::Object
590  * The object to update.
591  *
592  * @retval boolean
593  * @return boolean
594  * TRUE if the metadata was updated.
595  *
596  * @throws HPCloud::Transport::FileNotFoundException
597  * if the object does not already exist on the object storage.
598  */
599  public function updateMetadata(Object $obj) {
600  //$url = $this->url . '/' . rawurlencode($obj->name());
601  $url = self::objectUrl($this->url, $obj->name());
602  $headers = array();
604  // See if we have any metadata. We post this even if there
605  // is no metadata.
606  $md = $obj->metadata();
607  if (!empty($md)) {
608  $headers = self::generateMetadataHeaders($md, Container::METADATA_HEADER_PREFIX);
609  }
610  $headers['X-Auth-Token'] = $this->token;
612  // In spite of the documentation's claim to the contrary,
613  // content type IS reset during this operation.
614  $headers['Content-Type'] = $obj->contentType();
616  $client = \HPCloud\Transport::instance();
618  // The POST verb is for updating headers.
619  $response = $client->doRequest($url, 'POST', $headers, $obj->content());
621  if ($response->status() != 202) {
622  throw new \HPCloud\Exception('An unknown error occurred while saving: ' . $response->status());
623  }
624  return TRUE;
625  }
627  /**
628  * Copy an object to another place in object storage.
629  *
630  * An object can be copied within a container. Essentially, this will
631  * give you duplicates of the file, each with a new name.
632  *
633  * An object can be copied to another container if the name of the
634  * other container is specified, and if that container already exists.
635  *
636  * Note that there is no MOVE operation. You must copy and then DELETE
637  * in order to achieve that.
638  *
639  * @param object $obj HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::Object
640  * The object to copy. This object MUST already be saved on the
641  * remote server. The body of the object is not sent. Instead, the
642  * copy operation is performed on the remote server. You can, and
643  * probably should, use a RemoteObject here.
644  * @param string $newName
645  * The new name of this object. If you are copying across
646  * containers, the name can be the same. If you are copying within
647  * the same container, though, you will need to supply a new name.
648  * @param string $container
649  * The name of the alternate container. If this is set, the object
650  * will be saved into this container. If this is not sent, the copy
651  * will be performed inside of the original container.
652  *
653  */
654  public function copy(Object $obj, $newName, $container = NULL) {
655  //$sourceUrl = $obj->url(); // This doesn't work with Object; only with RemoteObject.
656  $sourceUrl = self::objectUrl($this->url, $obj->name());
658  if (empty($newName)) {
659  throw new \HPCloud\Exception("An object name is required to copy the object.");
660  }
662  // Figure out what container we store in.
663  if (empty($container)) {
665  }
666  $container = rawurlencode($container);
667  $destUrl = self::objectUrl('/' . $container, $newName);
669  $headers = array(
670  'X-Auth-Token' => $this->token,
671  'Destination' => $destUrl,
672  );
674  $client = \HPCloud\Transport::instance();
675  $response = $client->doRequest($sourceUrl, 'COPY', $headers);
677  if ($response->status() != 201) {
678  throw new \HPCloud\Exception("An unknown condition occurred during copy. " . $response->status());
679  }
680  return TRUE;
681  }
683  /**
684  * Get the object with the given name.
685  *
686  * This fetches a single object with the given name. It downloads the
687  * entire object at once. This is useful if the object is small (under
688  * a few megabytes) and the content of the object will be used. For
689  * example, this is the right operation for accessing a text file
690  * whose contents will be processed.
691  *
692  * For larger files or files whose content may never be accessed, use
693  * remoteObject(), which delays loading the content until one of its
694  * content methods (e.g. RemoteObject::content()) is called.
695  *
696  * This does not yet support the following features of Swift:
697  *
698  * - Byte range queries.
699  * - If-Modified-Since/If-Unmodified-Since
700  * - If-Match/If-None-Match
701  *
702  * If a CDN has been specified either using useCDN() or
703  * ObjectStorage::useCDN(), this will attempt to fetch the object
704  * from the CDN.
705  *
706  * @param string $name
707  * The name of the object to load.
708  * @param boolean $requireSSL
709  * If this is TRUE (the default), then SSL will always be
710  * used. If this is FALSE, then CDN-based fetching will
711  * use non-SSL, which is faster.
712  * @retval HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::RemoteObject
713  * @return \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage\RemoteObject
714  * A remote object with the content already stored locally.
715  */
716  public function object($name, $requireSSL = TRUE) {
718  $url = self::objectUrl($this->url, $name);
719  $cdn = self::objectUrl($this->cdnUrl, $name);
720  $cdnSsl = self::objectUrl($this->cdnSslUrl, $name);
721  $headers = array();
723  // Auth token.
724  $headers['X-Auth-Token'] = $this->token;
726  $client = \HPCloud\Transport::instance();
728  if (empty($this->cdnUrl)) {
729  $response = $client->doRequest($url, 'GET', $headers);
730  }
731  else {
732  $from = $requireSSL ? $cdnSsl : $cdn;
733  // print "Fetching object from $from\n";
734  $response = $client->doRequest($from, 'GET', $headers);
735  }
737  if ($response->status() != 200) {
738  throw new \HPCloud\Exception('An unknown error occurred while saving: ' . $response->status());
739  }
741  $remoteObject = RemoteObject::newFromHeaders($name, $response->headers(), $this->token, $url);
742  $remoteObject->setContent($response->content());
744  if (!empty($this->cdnUrl)) {
745  $remoteObject->useCDN($cdn, $cdnSsl);
746  }
748  return $remoteObject;
749  }
751  /**
752  * Fetch an object, but delay fetching its contents.
753  *
754  * This retrieves all of the information about an object except for
755  * its contents. Size, hash, metadata, and modification date
756  * information are all retrieved and wrapped.
757  *
758  * The data comes back as a RemoteObject, which can be used to
759  * transparently fetch the object's content, too.
760  *
761  * Why Use This?
762  *
763  * The regular object() call will fetch an entire object, including
764  * its content. This may not be desireable for cases where the object
765  * is large.
766  *
767  * This method can featch the relevant metadata, but delay fetching
768  * the content until it is actually needed.
769  *
770  * Since RemoteObject extends Object, all of the calls that can be
771  * made to an Object can also be made to a RemoteObject. Be aware,
772  * though, that calling RemoteObject::content() will initiate another
773  * network operation.
774  *
775  * @param string $name
776  * The name of the object to fetch.
777  * @retval HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::RemoteObject
778  * @return \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage\RemoteObject
779  * A remote object ready for use.
780  */
781  public function proxyObject($name) {
782  $url = self::objectUrl($this->url, $name);
783  $cdn = self::objectUrl($this->cdnUrl, $name);
784  $cdnSsl = self::objectUrl($this->cdnSslUrl, $name);
785  $headers = array(
786  'X-Auth-Token' => $this->token,
787  );
790  $client = \HPCloud\Transport::instance();
792  if (empty($this->cdnUrl)) {
793  $response = $client->doRequest($url, 'HEAD', $headers);
794  }
795  else {
796  $response = $client->doRequest($cdnSsl, 'HEAD', $headers);
797  }
799  if ($response->status() != 200) {
800  throw new \HPCloud\Exception('An unknown error occurred while saving: ' . $response->status());
801  }
803  $headers = $response->headers();
805  $obj = RemoteObject::newFromHeaders($name, $headers, $this->token, $url);
807  if (!empty($this->cdnUrl)) {
808  $obj->useCDN($cdn, $cdnSsl);
809  }
811  return $obj;
812  }
813  /**
814  * This has been replaced with proxyObject().
815  * @deprecated
816  */
817  public function remoteObject($name) {
818  return $this->proxyObject($name);
819  }
821  /**
822  * Get a list of objects in this container.
823  *
824  * This will return a list of objects in the container. With no
825  * parameters, it will attempt to return a listing of <i>all</i>
826  * objects in the container. However, by setting contraints, you can
827  * retrieve only a specific subset of objects.
828  *
829  * Note that OpenStacks Swift will return no more than 10,000 objects
830  * per request. When dealing with large datasets, you are encouraged
831  * to use paging.
832  *
833  * Paging
834  *
835  * Paging is done with a combination of a limit and a marker. The
836  * limit is an integer indicating the maximum number of items to
837  * return. The marker is the string name of an object. Typically, this
838  * is the last object in the previously returned set. The next batch
839  * will begin with the next item after the marker (assuming the marker
840  * is found.)
841  *
842  * @param int $limit
843  * An integer indicating the maximum number of items to return. This
844  * cannot be greater than the Swift maximum (10k).
845  * @param string $marker
846  * The name of the object to start with. The query will begin with
847  * the next object AFTER this one.
848  * @retval array
849  * @return array
850  * List of RemoteObject or Subdir instances.
851  */
852  public function objects($limit = NULL, $marker = NULL) {
853  $params = array();
854  return $this->objectQuery($params, $limit, $marker);
855  }
857  /**
858  * Retrieve a list of Objects with the given prefix.
859  *
860  * Object Storage containers support directory-like organization. To
861  * get a list of items inside of a particular "subdirectory", provide
862  * the directory name as a "prefix". This will return only objects
863  * that begin with that prefix.
864  *
865  * (Directory-like behavior is also supported by using "directory
866  * markers". See objectsByPath().)
867  *
868  * Prefixes
869  *
870  * Prefixes are basically substring patterns that are matched against
871  * files on the remote object storage.
872  *
873  * When a prefix is used, object storage will begin to return not just
874  * Object instsances, but also Subdir instances. A Subdir is simply a
875  * container for a "path name".
876  *
877  * Delimiters
878  *
879  * Object Storage (OpenStack Swift) does not have a native concept of
880  * files and directories when it comes to paths. Instead, it merely
881  * represents them and simulates their behavior under specific
882  * circumstances.
883  *
884  * The default behavior (when prefixes are used) is to treat the '/'
885  * character as a delimiter. Thus, when it encounters a name like
886  * this: `foo/bar/baz.txt` and the prefix is `foo/`, it will
887  * parse return a Subdir called `foo/bar`.
888  *
889  * Similarly, if you store a file called `foo:bar:baz.txt` and then
890  * set the delimiter to `:` and the prefix to `foo:`, it will return
891  * the Subdir `foo:bar`. However, merely setting the delimiter back to
892  * `/` will not allow you to query `foo/bar` and get the contents of
893  * `foo:bar`.
894  *
895  * Setting $delimiter will tell the Object Storage server which
896  * character to parse the filenames on. This means that if you use
897  * delimiters other than '/', you need to be very consistent with your
898  * usage or else you may get surprising results.
899  *
900  * @param string $prefix
901  * The leading prefix.
902  * @param string $delimiter
903  * The character used to delimit names. By default, this is '/'.
904  * @param int $limit
905  * An integer indicating the maximum number of items to return. This
906  * cannot be greater than the Swift maximum (10k).
907  * @param string $marker
908  * The name of the object to start with. The query will begin with
909  * the next object AFTER this one.
910  * @retval array
911  * @return array
912  * List of RemoteObject or Subdir instances.
913  */
914  public function objectsWithPrefix($prefix, $delimiter = '/', $limit = NULL, $marker = NULL) {
915  $params = array(
916  'prefix' => $prefix,
917  'delimiter' => $delimiter,
918  );
919  return $this->objectQuery($params, $limit, $marker);
920  }
922  /**
923  * Specify a path (subdirectory) to traverse.
924  *
925  * OpenStack Swift provides two basic ways to handle directory-like
926  * structures. The first is using a prefix (see objectsWithPrefix()).
927  * The second is to create directory markers and use a path.
928  *
929  * A directory marker is just a file with a name that is
930  * directory-like. You create it exactly as you create any other file.
931  * Typically, it is 0 bytes long.
932  *
933  * @code
934  * <?php
935  * $dir = new Object('a/b/c', '');
936  * $container->save($dir);
937  * ?>
938  * @endcode
939  *
940  * Using objectsByPath() with directory markers will return a list of
941  * Object instances, some of which are regular files, and some of
942  * which are just empty directory marker files. When creating
943  * directory markers, you may wish to set metadata or content-type
944  * information indicating that they are directory markers.
945  *
946  * At one point, the OpenStack documentation suggested that the path
947  * method was legacy. More recent versions of the documentation no
948  * longer indicate this.
949  *
950  * @param string $path
951  * The path prefix.
952  * @param string $delimiter
953  * The character used to delimit names. By default, this is '/'.
954  * @param int $limit
955  * An integer indicating the maximum number of items to return. This
956  * cannot be greater than the Swift maximum (10k).
957  * @param string $marker
958  * The name of the object to start with. The query will begin with
959  * the next object AFTER this one.
960  */
961  public function objectsByPath($path, $delimiter = '/', $limit = NULL, $marker = NULL) {
962  $params = array(
963  'path' => $path,
964  'delimiter' => $delimiter,
965  );
966  return $this->objectQuery($params, $limit, $marker);
967  }
969  /**
970  * Get the URL to this container.
971  *
972  * Any container that has been created will have a valid URL. If the
973  * Container was set to be public (See
974  * ObjectStorage::createContainer()) will be accessible by this URL.
975  *
976  * @retval string
977  * @return string
978  * The URL.
979  */
980  public function url() {
981  return $this->url;
982  }
984  public function cdnUrl($ssl = TRUE) {
985  return $ssl ? $this->cdnSslUrl : $this->cdnUrl;
986  }
988  /**
989  * Get the ACL.
990  *
991  * Currently, if the ACL wasn't added during object construction,
992  * calling acl() will trigger a request to the remote server to fetch
993  * the ACL. Since only some Swift calls return ACL data, this is an
994  * unavoidable artifact.
995  *
996  * Calling this on a Container that has not been stored on the remote
997  * ObjectStorage will produce an error. However, this should not be an
998  * issue, since containers should always come from one of the
999  * ObjectStorage methods.
1000  *
1001  * @todo Determine how to get the ACL from JSON data.
1002  * @retval \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage\ACL
1003  * @return HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::ACL
1004  * An ACL, or NULL if the ACL could not be retrieved.
1005  */
1006  public function acl() {
1007  if (!isset($this->acl)) {
1008  $this->loadExtraData();
1009  }
1010  return $this->acl;
1011  }
1013  /**
1014  * Get missing fields.
1015  *
1016  * Not all containers come fully instantiated. This method is sometimes
1017  * called to "fill in" missing fields.
1018  *
1019  * @retval HPCloud::Storage::ObjectStorage::Comtainer
1020  * @return \HPCloud\Storage\ObjectStorage\Container
1021  */
1022  protected function loadExtraData() {
1024  // If URL and token are empty, we are dealing with
1025  // a local item that has not been saved, and was not
1026  // created with Container::createContainer(). We treat
1027  // this as an error condition.
1028  if (empty($this->url) || empty($this->token)) {
1029  throw new \HPCloud\Exception('Remote data cannot be fetched. Tokena and endpoint URL are required.');
1030  }
1031  // Do a GET on $url to fetch headers.
1032  $client = \HPCloud\Transport::instance();
1033  $headers = array(
1034  'X-Auth-Token' => $this->token,
1035  );
1036  $response = $client->doRequest($this->url, 'GET', $headers);
1038  // Get ACL.
1039  $this->acl = ACL::newFromHeaders($response->headers());
1041  // Update size and count.
1042  $this->bytes = $response->header('X-Container-Bytes-Used', 0);
1043  $this->count = $response->header('X-Container-Object-Count', 0);
1045  // Get metadata.
1047  $this->setMetadata(Container::extractHeaderAttributes($response->headers(), $prefix));
1049  return $this;
1050  }
1052  /**
1053  * Perform the HTTP query for a list of objects and de-serialize the
1054  * results.
1055  */
1056  protected function objectQuery($params = array(), $limit = NULL, $marker = NULL) {
1057  if (isset($limit)) {
1058  $params['limit'] = (int) $limit;
1059  if (!empty($marker)) {
1060  $params['marker'] = (string) $marker;
1061  }
1062  }
1064  // We always want JSON.
1065  $params['format'] = 'json';
1067  $query = http_build_query($params);
1068  $query = str_replace('%2F', '/', $query);
1069  $url = $this->url . '?' . $query;
1071  $client = \HPCloud\Transport::instance();
1072  $headers = array(
1073  'X-Auth-Token' => $this->token,
1074  );
1076  $response = $client->doRequest($url, 'GET', $headers);
1078  // The only codes that should be returned are 200 and the ones
1079  // already thrown by doRequest.
1080  if ($response->status() != 200) {
1081  throw new \HPCloud\Exception('An unknown exception occurred while processing the request.');
1082  }
1084  $responseContent = $response->content();
1085  $json = json_decode($responseContent, TRUE);
1087  // Turn the array into a list of RemoteObject instances.
1088  $list = array();
1089  foreach ($json as $item) {
1090  if (!empty($item['subdir'])) {
1091  $list[] = new Subdir($item['subdir'], $params['delimiter']);
1092  }
1093  elseif (empty($item['name'])) {
1094  throw new \HPCloud\Exception('Unexpected entity returned.');
1095  }
1096  else {
1097  //$url = $this->url . '/' . rawurlencode($item['name']);
1098  $url = self::objectUrl($this->url, $item['name']);
1099  $list[] = RemoteObject::newFromJSON($item, $this->token, $url);
1100  }
1101  }
1103  return $list;
1104  }
1106  /**
1107  * Return the iterator of contents.
1108  *
1109  * A Container is Iterable. This means that you can use a container in
1110  * a `foreach` loop directly:
1111  *
1112  * @code
1113  * <?php
1114  * foreach ($container as $object) {
1115  * print $object->name();
1116  * }
1117  * ?>
1118  * @endcode
1119  *
1120  * The above is equivalent to doing the following:
1121  * @code
1122  * <?php
1123  * $objects = $container->objects();
1124  * foreach ($objects as $object) {
1125  * print $object->name();
1126  * }
1127  * ?>
1128  * @endcode
1129  *
1130  * Note that there is no way to pass any constraints into an iterator.
1131  * You cannot limit the number of items, set an marker, or add a
1132  * prefix.
1133  */
1134  public function getIterator() {
1135  return new \ArrayIterator($this->objects());
1136  }
1138  /**
1139  * Remove the named object from storage.
1140  *
1141  * @param string $name
1142  * The name of the object to remove.
1143  * @retval boolean
1144  * @return boolean
1145  * TRUE if the file was deleted, FALSE if no such file is found.
1146  */
1147  public function delete($name) {
1148  $url = self::objectUrl($this->url, $name);
1149  $headers = array(
1150  'X-Auth-Token' => $this->token,
1151  );
1153  $client = \HPCloud\Transport::instance();
1155  try {
1156  $response = $client->doRequest($url, 'DELETE', $headers);
1157  }
1158  catch (\HPCloud\Transport\FileNotFoundException $fnfe) {
1159  return FALSE;
1160  }
1162  if ($response->status() != 204) {
1163  throw new \HPCloud\Exception("An unknown exception occured while deleting $name.");
1164  }
1166  return TRUE;
1167  }
1169 }