Identity Services, Authentication, and the PHP HP Cloud Library

The Identity Services API is central to using the APIs for the services by HP Cloud. Identity Services not only deals with authentication but also supplies the catalog of information around the activated and available services. For example, this API is where the API endpoints for services like the different compute regions, the CDN, Object Storage, and everything else is available.

The HP Cloud PHP library provides functionality to interact with identity services and authentication at a low level or, through the use of helpers, simply authenticate commonly and use it everywhere.

Authentication and Tokens

The first step is authenticating as a user and there are two ways to do this. The first option is to use the username and password used to log into the console. The second option is to use an access key id and secret key available on the API Keys page within the console.

Since services are associated with tenants you need to use a tenantId or tenantName to get a valid token for a set of services.

Before you look at the helper function let's take a quick look at authenticating manually.

$identity = new \HPCloud\Services\IdentityServices($endpoint);
try {
    $token = $identity->authenticateAsAccount($account, $secret, $tenantId, $tenantName);
catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Authentication failed.

This example authenticates as an account with an access key id and secret key. Only the tenantId or tenantName needs to be supplied as the other is optional. If authentication passed, the identity object is authenticated and a token is returned.

If authentication failed or there was another error an exception is thrown. There are a number of exceptions that can be caught depending on the type of error that occurred.

If you want to authenticate as a user with your console username and password it looks almost the same as authenticating as an account.

$identity = new \HPCloud\Services\IdentityServices($endpoint);
try {
    $token = $identity->authenticateAsUser($username, $password, $tenantId, $tenantName);
catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Authentication failed.

Note, while you can authenticate with a username and password we recommend using the access key id and secret key method.

A Bootstrap Identity Helper

If the bootstrap mechanism to setup any global options was used there is a helper function to get an identity object. For example:

require_once 'path/to/HPCloud-PHP/src/HPCloud/Bootstrap.php';
use \HPCloud\Bootstrap;
// Provide credentials
$settings = array(
    'account' => YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
    'secret' => YOUR_SECRET_KEY,
    'tenantid' => YOUR_TENANT_ID,
    'endpoint' => IDENTITY_SERVICES_URL,

Using the helper method identity an identity object is available.

$identity = Bootstrap::identity();

This object will be authenticated with the credentials provided to the bootstrap.

Service Catalog

The service catalog lists the available services. Accessing the catalog, which includes the API endpoints, is fairly simple through the use of the serviceCatalog method. To get the entire catalog call the method with no arguments.

$identity = Bootstrap::identity();
$catalog = $identity->serviceCatalog();

Calling the serviceCatalog method with the name of a service will return the service catalog for just this service.

$identity = Bootstrap::identity();
$catalog = $identity->serviceCatalog('object-store');